
Company profile

The company’s strategic mission is to participate in the digital transformation by offering to automate document processing of business and support processes.
ActivBold enforces state-of-the-art technology to improve the experience of customers and operators, to reduce processing costs, to restraint low value tasks and provide work to disadvantaged populations.


Values and commitments

To proceed with manual activities (exception handling, data entry), ActivBold seeks to employ disabled or socially excluded people (professional integration, emerging countries' workers).
ActivBold believes that data contributes to healthier business relations and increases efficiency of industries such as healthcare, housing or social security.
ActivBold is attached to data protection for individuals and corporates (ID, healthdata, financial) and to digital sovereignty.


Management team

ActivBold - mangement team, digital transformation, online business process services digital transformation consulting

Benoît Charon

/ President

Offer my strategic and business skills to B2B/B2C services companies, to enable their transformation by offering them digital business services integrating technologies optimising the end customer experience and the cost/quality/utility ratio of their services.

ActivBold - mangement team, digital transformation, online business process services digital transformation consulting

José Castellon

/ Associate Director

Bring my experience and expertise in document management to companies wishing to greatly improve their effectiveness and to digitalize their processes. My experience, acquired with software vendors and service providers, allows me to deliver efficient business solutions offering the optimal combination of technologies and services.

Board of Directors

Benoît Charon

/ President

Benoît formed AB in 2013 to carry out innovative development projects through creation or acquisition. Benoît acquired his expertise in business transformation as a consultant with PwC and Cap Gemini Consulting and his experience in sales and marketing management in technology (HP) and business services (Cegedim, Xerox, Exela Technologies).The industries that Benoît advised in their digital and operational transformation are: Banking, Insurance, Health, Pharmaceutical Distribution, Real Estate, Automotive.

Olivier van Grembergen

/ Associate Director

Olivier is a founding partner of AB. Olivier has gained operational and commercial experience in technology services and digital solutions with major international players such as P&G, HP, SAS, Xerox and AWS. He supported several business creation projects. His financial, sales and strategic experience in digital services and technologies is an asset to support AB’s projects.

Agnès Hua

/ Associate Director

Agnes is a founding partner of AB. In addition to her responsibilities within the SNCF group, she brings new projects her expertise in strategy, communication and stakeholder management. Agnes, after starting her career in audit (Salustro), worked in the Vivarte group before joining SNCF where she held various responsibilities in the fields of transport, auditing and finance as well as real estate.


They trust us

ActivBold - partners, digital transformation, online business process services digital transformation consulting